Neben der Ausstellung hat die Illustratorin Malwine Stauss auch aus ihrem Buch gelesen und einen Workshop mit dem Thema »Wie malt man Unsichtbares« gegeben.
Malwine Stauss lebt und arbeitet in Leipzig, wo sie Teil des Künstler*innenkollektivs »Squash« ist.
»Hexen« ist bei Rotopol erschienen
The book »Hexen« by Malwine Stauss is a spiritual journey. Her starting point is women’s art and the associated examination of how society deals with female labor and its history. A theme that inevitably leads to the concept of the witch. Her pictures also make assumptions about who and what witches are today. For her exhibition, she transformed RFI into the studio of her witches.
In addition to the exhibition, illustrator Malwine Stauss also read from her book and gave a workshop on »How to paint the invisible«.
Malwine Stauss lives and works in Leipzig, where she is part of the artist collective »Squash«.
»Hexen« is published by Rotopol